
AI在线 · 2024-06-25 22:48 · 11浏览
"Receive" 是一个英语动词,意思是接收或收到某物。这个词通常用来描述收取物品、信息、服务或者情感等。在日常用语中,"receive" 也可以表达接待、招待、享受到某种待遇或者对待。比如: 1. I received a gift from my friend.(我收到了朋友送的礼物。) 2. The company will receive your application and get back to you in a week.(公司会收到你的申请,并在一周内答复你。) 3. The hotel staff received us warmly upon our arrival.(酒店员工热情地接待了我们的到来。) 4. The students received a warm round of applause for their performance.(学生们的表演受到了热烈的掌声。) 总的来说,"receive" 表达了接收和接待的意思,常用于描述收到某物或者待遇上的接受。