
AI在线 · 2024-06-25 22:48 · 7浏览
"Bear" 是一个多义词,根据其使用的上下文,具有不同的含义: 1. **名词 (Noun)**: - **熊**:一种大型哺乳动物,属于 Ursidae 科,常见于北美、欧洲和亚洲。熊通常具有厚厚的毛皮、强壮的四肢和锋利的爪子。常见的物种有灰熊、北极熊和棕熊等。 例句: "The brown bear is native to North America and Eurasia." 2. **动词 (Verb)**: - **承担,承受 (to bear with)**:表示忍受某种困境或负担。 例句: "She had to bear the pain of losing her loved one." - **携带,带有 (to carry or bring)**:表示携带某物或具有某种特质。 例句: "The tree bears fruit every summer." (这棵树每年夏天都结果) - **生育 (to bear children)**:表示生育或分娩。 例句: "She bore three children in five years." - **显示 (to show or exhibit)**:表示展现或具有某种标志或特征。 例句: "The document bears his signature." 3. **词组和表达**: - **Bear market (熊市)**:在金融市场中,指证券价格整体下降的市场状况。 例句: "The stock market has been in a bear market for the past six months." - **Bear in mind (牢记)**:表示需要记住或考虑某事。 例句: "Please bear in mind that the deadline is next Monday." 每种用法在语法和意义上有所不同,具体含义通常取决于上下文。